Back 12-04-03
Phew. Been a long and incredibly busy couple of weeks. Work has been crazy. School has been crazy. Life has been crazy. I don't know how I've managed to keep this strip updated every day, and I'm damn proud of myself for doing it. This next week is finals week though, so if I do miss a day, or if I'm late with a comic, please forgive.
Thankfully school will be over for a bit then, and I'll have time to work on the strip and my Alabama Bones and the Temple of Gloom game. With any luck I'll have a demo out by christmas. Originaly I was shooting for sooner... but damn I've been busy lately. :)
On another note, this news page is getting larger in size than some of my strips themselves. I'm going to have to start breaking this thing into chunks soon.

Here it is: The obligatory market/downtown chase/fight scene. Every good action movie has one. Do you know why Star Wars Episode 1 sucked so bad? Because it didn't have one of these. Episode 2 had a downtown chase scene, they got it right that time.

Well, there it is. I can't exactly say I'm proud, but I do believe that's the first gay joke on this strip.
I'm sure everyone's shocked. Well, at least shocked that it happened in an Alabama Bones strip instead of a Remington and Gus strip.

Be prepared for tomorrow's strip... introducing *insert dramatic music here* the bad guy.

Here it is. My second big storyline strip, this one starring Alabama Bones. If things work out right, I'll have a demo for my Alabama Bones game up by the time this storyline is over. Maybe even sooner.

Continuing on the Stickman Superhero stuff, here's a sample of Ratman. Doer of great deeds... and nibbler of great cheese.
In other news, I've temporarily given up on making my Alabama Bones game for the gameboy and switched to the PC, after finding some software that might make it do-able for someone with my lack of programming expertise. Will have screenshots up as soon as I get more artwork done. I'm having to redo all the sprites and tiles much larger than they were originally, since I'm now using a 640x480 screen instead of the 240x160 of the gameboy. It's coming along decently so far. I have a good portion of the basic engine. All that's left to add is enemy AI, whip swinging, and ledge climbing. Ledge climbing should be easy, similar to ladder climbing, which I already have. The other two... well, we'll see.

In honor of today being the 50th strip, I put up an image of one of my old Stickman Superhero characters. Who knows? I may just decide to bring them back.
But just for today at least, enjoy Bugdude and his nemesis, Poison.

11-06-03 5:03 pm eastern time
What in sam hell? I fixed a mistake in the comic for today, re-uploaded it, told Keenspace to do a regular update to put the new comic up...
And now you get to see tomorrow's comic about 7 hours early, because Keenspace is being stupid again.
Well, lucky you guys. You get the fixed comic from today and tomorrow's.

Well, that was fun. I managed to get the day off work yesterday and spend the night with friends. Which is all I really wanted for my birthday. One friend of mine happened to find a great present for me too. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a Pinky and the Brain freak. To the point where at one time I had every 'I think so Brain, but...' phrase memorized.
So he got me a gigantic stuffed Pinky.
I also got my first 'donation' to the site from another friend... but that was really more of a birthday present. I promised him that I would use it to try and fatten up the poor stick-beggar in the donate button, although no matter what he eats, he never seems to gain a pixel.
And, to top things off... I found a nice little game-maker program that I might be able to use to make my Alabama Bones game for PC instead of for gameboy. Best of all, it requires little or no programming. So hopefully I'll soon have another section up here with some screenshots and/or demos and soundtracks from the game.

Heya everybody. I decided to add a poll to see who is the best liked character for the moment on the strip. Alabama Bones was always MY personal favorate, but that's because I started drawing him in flipbook form in my school books ever since 2nd or 3rd grade.
Also, tomorrow is my birthday. Yep. That's right. I'm a whole year older. Dupid birthdays. Making me feel all... old. And... well, yeah.

Okay, well that was a pain in the ass. Keenspace freaked out for a little bit there. It didn't update at all on halloween. And all of a sudden my password wasn't working on the website, so I couldn't log in and to a manual update.
And of course, I didn't notice it but my link was screwed up down below, so I fixed that. I forgot the period between www and cafepress. Go figure.

Happy halloween everybody!
I'm in the process of setting up a cafepress shop, so any feedback would be nice. The shop is at Don't order anything yet though, I haven't had a chance to order anything myself to see if they're any good! :)
Well that, and I forgot to put my website url on the images, so as soon as I do that and reupload them, then I'll put a button on the site and open the store up.

Okay, Keenspace is all back to normal and whatnot. I decided to let this comic stay up another day, since it was only up about half an hour before the next comic would have come up. Well, that, and I was a couple comics short for my little halloween costume story arc here. So instead of two days of filler before halloween, you'll only have one. :)

Keenspace seems to be having some kind of technical problems, the comic didn't update last night, and I can't get to the main page to update manually. I can still however upload to the ftp, but I have no clue when this will show up.

All right everybody, this is the end of the storyline. My first real storyline strip. I'm so proud of myself.
Anyway, just to let everybody know, if I'm late with a few strips now, blame it on the beautiful girl that I'm pretty much head over heels for, I'm sure she'll be taking up a lot of my time that was previously dedicated to the comic strip.
Not that I'm complaining, of course. :)

Heya everybody, sorry this strip isn't part of the storyline. I've spent most of the last two days between school, work, staying in the library after school to work on more school, and falling for a very cute girl I just met, so I've been pretty busy.

Okay, today's comic is up. About 14 and a half hours late, but it's up. I beg forgiveness of everybody and all that. If you forgive me, signify it by voting for me on the buttons below.

Tomorrow's comic is probably going to be at least a few hours late, if not a whole day. I'm about to go to bed right now, and I more than likely won't get back until after midnight tomorrow. My sister is in town, and since I've seen her once in the last 20 years, well, I figured I'd take a day off school and work and whatnot. Ciao!

BTW, everybody like the new news box? Handy, aint it. News only takes up so much space, so if you don't really CARE what I have to say, you can ignore it. I got the idea from seeing all those other webcomics that have tacky windows with their livejournal there. I figured I'd do that, but less tacky. I.E., with my own news page instead of a livejournal.
Well, no real news today, yesterday was fun. Took a little break from the storyline, had some fun. Remington and Gus got to appear in yet another strip. Even though they didn't get any lines this time.
Granted, I never gave them lines before. They're real troopers. I put them in front of the camera and they just go.
Anyway. Vote for me on the link buttons below, please! I need more readers, and I won't get them until people can find the comic. Help me spread the disease that is Stickman Limited Comics to the rest of the world!

Woohoo! One whole month baby. May not seem like much compared to a lot of comics out there, but for me, that's a big thing. It's hard for me to stick with things. I have too many ideas jumbled about in my head, and odds are after a week or two of doing one thing, I'll get another idea and go do that, leaving the first thing I was doing to rot while I'm off doing other things.
And that, boys and girls, is a perfect example of a run-on sentance. Don't do that in your english papers, you'll get marked off for it.

I don't normally put up newsflashes here, but I figured since I've missed a few days of updates, I probably should. I've been very busy lately with school and work, and more work at home that I've been doing. I've been working with a new music program, incidentally one that allows me to put the cruddy MIDI music I've been making into better formats. Which means I'm one step closer to actually making an Alabama Bones game for the gameboy advanced, a project that I've been doing on and off since before I restarted this new comic strip. In fact, when I saw how decently my Alabama Bones work was coming out in Windows Paint, that's what really inspired me to restart the comic in this format.
Just thought I'd let my readers know that's why I've missed a few strips, and will probably miss a few more.
Also, if there are any other wannabe game makers who think they'd be willing to try their hand at programming either a gameboy game, or perhaps even some kind of online flash or javascript game, I've got a plot, I've got artwork, I've got music. All I need now is a programmer, so feel free to drop me a line.